Pets - Dogs and Cats
Import requirements for ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA FOR PETS (Dogs & Cats) from:
United Kingdom North, Central and South America, US Virgin Islands, British Virgin Islands,Cuba Hispanola, St. Maarten/St. Martin, Montserrat, Grenada, Trinidad & Tobago, Aruba, Bonaire, and Curacao
The paperwork for Rabies FAVN Serology can be retrieved at:
Please email (Here) for a list of other approved laboratories.
Please email (Here) or fax the information required above to 268-460-1759 so that we can proceed in the processing of the import license.
Once this is done and after reviewing the dogs/cats medical and vaccination history an import license can be issued. Only pets with a duly issued import license will be accepted into Antigua and Barbuda.
Please note that your dog/cat is to be accompanied by an "Official {Government Issued) Health Certificate" stating that the animal is in good health and free from the symptoms of communicable diseases. The Certificate must be no more than seven (7) days old.
The animal is to be treated within seven (7) days of exportation for internal and external parasites with an approved broad spectr um product(s).
The products should be noted on the official health certificate.
Contact The Veterinary & Livestock Division at: Phone/fax (268) 460-1759 or Email: (Here) with the estimated time of arrival (ETA) 72 hrs before arrival.Failure to do so will result in significant delays in getting your pet cleared once it arrives.
Animals landed in Antigua outside of Government working hours, 8:30a.m to 4:30p.m Mondays to Fridays and on weekends and Public Holidays are subject to overtime inspection fees.
Please note: That failure to comply with any of the requirements will result in refusal of entry of the pet into Antigua & Barbuda.
Feel free to contact the Vete rinary and Livestock Division at phone/fax 1(268) 562-1814) I 1(268) 460-1759 or (Here)for more information.
NB: All residents of Antigua & Barbuda are required to have their dogs registered with the Dog Registration & Control Authority (DRCA). If you plan to reside in this country please contact (562-7277) the DRCA within 7-10 days of arrival.